Why do I NEED an HR Department???

Most JJ franchisees join us because:

  • They are worried about getting sued.
  • They want a compliant handbook and policies for their employees - they want to feel like a legit employer with their ...uh... 'stuff' together.
  • They either don't have time or simply don't want to handle HR stuff anymore.

Here are some of the thoughts they tell us weighed them down before they signed up with Amplified HR:

  • My managers are loose cannons that are going to get me sued.
  • I'm still using the "sample" handbook from the JJ toolkit.
  • I want to take a vacation without dealing with HR issues.
  • My managers need help holding employees accountable 
  • I really don't want to get HR 911 calls on Saturday nights anymore
  • I use Google for HR answers-I'm worried I'll make a mistake & get sued.

Check out this 1 minute and 13 second video to see if anything sounds familiar to you... 

Here's the deal - we can help you with everything in that video and more (much more).  See, we know how easy it is to make a mistake when it comes to HR. Many of them will just slip away, no harm done. But, the small mistakes can quickly become big ones. Costly ones. Many of these can be avoided with good HR support.

We've all had employees that we just know are going to cause issues. They challenge policies. They recite "the law" (sometimes accurately, most times not so much). They reference "their lawyer". 
But, there are also really great employees who sue you. These are the ones that you never see coming. 

They're the ones that you had treated like family. Maybe you gave them paycheck advances when they fell onto hard times. Paid their rent. Bought a car. 

And, then something happens that they don't feel appreciated anymore. Maybe they get desperate for money and because you trusted them so much, maybe they know a little too much about your business. These kinds of lawsuits and legal charges can pose the biggest risks to your livelihood.

I've heard the anguish in franchisees voices when this happens to them - it's when they decide to join Amplified HR, usually. They're defeated. They feel personally assaulted. Of course they do! But, it really doesn't have to be that way. That's exactly why I founded Amplified HR in the first place - to save franchisees from that fate.
If you don't know my background (I'm Amber, by the way), I'll tell you that I founded Amplified HR in 2015 when I left my Director of HR role at JJ Headquarters because I wanted to protect the franchisees. Franchisees like you who were dealing with employees and legal charges like the ones I just described.

But, over the years, we've expanded our service offering and it's not JUST about protecting you. It's also about:
  • Developing Great Managers: the more they work with us, the better they protect your company.
  • Developing Useful Tools: Punchlists, forms, and other resources that help your team do their job and increase productivity/reduce costs.
  • Online Training: Cut down on injuries, harassment claims and more with 24/7 access to trainings your staff can take right from their phone.
Plus, you get to benefit from my own years of experience with this brand (since 2008) and hands-on knowledge of what's worked and not worked with franchisees. This goes beyond the JJ Owners Facebook Group - this is stuff that we know will work for you that you don't have to reinvent the wheel for.

I promise you - if you apply and we both feel this is a good fit for you, you will never regret joining us. Many of our clients have been with us since the beginning (September, 2015!) and clients tell us almost on a daily basis that they are blown away and grateful for what we do for them.

I don't say that to brag - I just want you to have the confidence to make the decision. I know what it's like to not know what's really on the other end of the onboarding process. 

Will you really use it? Will it really help you? How will it help you?

What are you waiting for? If you do nothing, nothing will change. You'll wake up tomorrow and do the same thing you've always done.

But, if you're ready to take back some control over your life and stop sweating your HR decisions, apply for support. We'll talk and you'll know if this is the right move for you, your team and your company.

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